If Trump Goes To Prison.....


                                                        former President Donald J Trump

We are all watching how one Court house after another keeps indicting Donald Trump (3rd till date) , the 45th president of the United States. We are all presumed innocent until we go to trial and are either convicted or the jury aquitts or he takes a guilty plea.

But what happens if Trump gets convicted and ends up in prison. What will be his reaction ? The man is a billionaire. Will his money help him in prison ? Will it protect him?

Based on what my uncle Sheldon Langner taught me before I ended up in prison, I have the following insights....

Where ever you are in life, you get used to it. That is the bottom line. Whether you are living in a castle or living in a dungeon, human nature will adapt to the circumstances. Thats the first insight I share with the public. 

The second insight is that in my humble opinion ,because Trump is so arrogant and feels that the law does not apply to him or he believes in his lie and that everyone is out to get him, he will no doubt be placed in solitary confinement and placed on 24/7 suicide watch.      

If he ends up in prison, he may very well be there the rest of his life.  Why  do i say that ? Because federal sentences are brutal. Most federal crimes carry minimum five year sentences. Some carry 20 year sentences. Trump is 77 years old. Do the math. Every day in prison feels the same so basically, from the day you walk in till the day you walk out, it feels like one long day.... 

Time will tell. In any event, based on what King Solomon wrote in Koheles, we are living in the past so everything happened already. We are just observing it.

If you want to read more about federal prison, read my book, Prison , what to expect 



   I wrote about life my story as One Nation under Earl

ANY QUESTIONS/COMMENTS, feel free to call me at 718-541-7415



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