Michael Cohen an official inmate

Michael Cohen under find an inmate

It is now official. Michael Cohen is part of  FCI Otisville camp. By now it is sunk in his brain and he is probably getting used to life as an inmate. Stand up counts, lines to eat chow, lines for the phone, lines for emails thru tru links. He may get a job in a week or two, cleaning grounds, kitchen work as a dishwasher, taking out facility garbage, working at ware house unloading a truck. There is no drama at Camp Otisville.  With a 3 year sentence, he should do about half the time at Otisville and then get the rest of the time at a halfway house and then on home confinement.

To read more about prison, go here....
https://www.amazon.com/PRISON-expect-Federal-Bureau-Prisons-ebook/dp/B011GTWLOG\PRISON: what to expect in Federal Bureau of Prisons (Prison series Book 1) by [Soto, Diego]



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