Michael Cohen heading to Federal Prison Otisville Camp?
entrance to federal prison, Otisville Camp, courtesy NY Times |
exterior of Otisville dorm bunker |
Today I was quoted in the NY Times about my temporary stay in the federal prison known as Otisville, I link the story here...
Like I told the reporter, camp Otisville is not club fed. That is a myth and a lie. Prison, whether it is maximum security, medium security, low or a camp, is a horrible place to be. Why? Because you are held against your will. No human, except a murderer with blood on his hands, should be held against their will.
photo of warehouse in background from visitor yard |
Michael Cohen, former lawyer and fixer for Trump, may be heading to Otisville in two or three months. Perhaps he can work for CO Scelba, an interesting cop with mood swings. Sometimes CO Scelba can come wrecking cabinets or sometimes he can make jokes with inmates or even setting up pranks. Not sure if he is still there but I assume he is still there since federal officers like to stay put for years.
real prison belt |
chaplain Rabbi Richter, mainly consults with the gabbai, Jacobowitz |
I advise Michael Cohen to stay in touch with his family, by calling them from the pay phone located in the main building. He will have to limit his talking since you only get 300 minutes a month. Try ten minutes a day. He can get weekly visits from his family, that last an hour or two.
real dorm locks |
Otherwise, he will do his time and that will pass.
To read more about federal prison, go here...
![PRISON: what to expect in Federal Bureau of Prisons (Prison series Book 1) by [Soto, Diego]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51qRzos5LqL.jpg)
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