
Showing posts from January, 2019

Bill Maher quotes me...

segment on bill maher show that I was quoted my friends sent me a video from Bill Maher, and I see that he quoted me on his it is To read my story, and it was not gefilte fish and challah...but the real mccoy, go here...

Michael Cohen heading to Federal Prison Otisville Camp?

entrance to federal prison, Otisville Camp, courtesy NY Times exterior of Otisville dorm bunker Today I was quoted in the NY Times about my temporary stay in the federal prison known as Otisville, I link the story here... Like I told the reporter, camp Otisville is not club fed. That is a myth and a lie. Prison, whether it is maximum security, medium security, low or a camp, is a horrible place to be. Why? Because you are held against your will. No human, except a murderer with blood on his hands, should be held against their will. photo of warehouse in background from visitor yard Michael Cohen, former lawyer and fixer for Trump, may be heading to Otisville in two or three months. Perhaps he can work for CO Scelba, an interesting cop with mood swings. Sometimes CO Scelba can come wrecking cabinets or sometimes he can make jokes with inmates or even setting up pranks.  Not sure ...

Immigration Lawyer faces federal prison

According to an article in the LA Times, Mihae Park, a Korean named sounded attorney, plead guilty to immigration fraud, admitting to filing false petitions and false tax returns in support of aliens. She also admitted to filing false tax returns. She faces up to a decade in prison. I went through same hell and served almost four years. My story is here...

MCC JAIL GUARD gets 3 years imprisonment

MCC federal detention center, NYC  According to the NY Times, a jail guard, Victor Casado,  plead guilty to smuggling in contraband and was sentenced to three years imprisonment. Mr. Zarrab, currently in detention lockup Casado smuggled in contraband including a cell phone to Mr. Zarrab, a Turkish gold trader who is currently incarcerated in Federal detention. What was Casado thinking, that he would not get caught? Each prisoner looks to rat out the next one to cut his/her prison sentence.    I was in MCC too, a drab building located near the Fedearl Courthouse in downtown manhattan, where you share your iron bunkbead with mice and waterbugs creeping around. Bureau of prison inmate locator shows Mr. Zarrab being released. So who knows what the truth is... In any event, to read what prison life is all about, go here and thanks for stopping by

Dean Skelos now in Prison....

Dean Skelos, convicted felon According to the BOP and newspaper reports, Dean Skelos, the once powerful New York State Senate Leader is now an inmate at FCI Otisville Camp. For a person with such power, being in prison, even if it is a camp, is extremely demeaning demoralizing. You lose your sense of identity in prison. You are barely a body in prison. The guards treat as a number. The man is also 70 years old. That is cruel and unusual punishment. For him to keep his sanity, he will need to make a routine. Federal law mandates you serve 87 percent of the sentence. However, the new prison reform act that was signed into law by President Trump, may substantially reduce the time he needs to serve. We need to follow the memos from the Bureau of Prisons and Justice Department to see  how much time will be shaved off with the new law. I heard from my friend, David Solan, that it is an extra one week of good behavior per year. Time will tell. In any event, to read more ab...