my thoughts on Michael Flynn pleads guilty

Michael Flynn walking away from federal court, as a felon 

According to news reports, Michael Flynn, former national security advisor pleaded guilty to lying to an FBI agent and is now cooperating with federal prosecutors over the Trump -Russian vote influencing scandal. 

Does the government play fair? Is the government honest? Based on my life experience, the answer is definitely not. How can I say that? When I was sitting in prison for immigration fraud charges, my lawyer told me that the government wants to me to take a plea and agree to the forfeiture amount of 1 million to 2.5 million. I said I never made that kind of money. The most I made as net annual income was 500,000 in 2001 and that was on my tax return. I was even audited and passed. It did not matter. My lawyer said if that I dont accept the offer I would get hammered. I begged my lawyer to go below to 999,000.00. He said its not going to happen. The government never showed me even one paper which is a violation of Brady. Nothing was shown to the judge or me. Just the word of the government. So I accepted the figure between 1 million and 2.5 million. I wanted to go home. I did not want to leave prison with a cane, wheelchair or in a box. In the end of the day, I got a five year sentence , spending 1316 days in seven institutions and of course, dangling over my head is a 2.5 million dollar judgment. Such is the American system of Justice. They have all the power in the world to break you down. Just remember this one thing. There is a higher force, and that is called God.

To read my story and see a real judgment of forfeiture, go here....
PRISON: what to expect   - order of forfeiture (prison series Book 8) by [Langner, David]


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